Hip Pain in Runners

For runners there is always the threat of hip injury. Marathon season always brings in a rash of hobbling runners to see me for remedial massage treatment in ely cambs. Bursitis of the hip joint , Piriformis syndrome, Iliotibial Band Syndrome, inflamed Tensor Fascia Latae, Any of these will knock you off your training schedule.Massage can be very effective at getting you back and running again.

If your doctor has diagnosed bursitis then firstly you will need to ice the area and rest  Once the bursitis has abated massage therapy can really help. Physical therapy into the hip joint and through the muscles of the legs, hamstrings and IT bands can really make a difference when it comes to getting you back running.

If you step up your mileage too quickly then you risk suffering from IT Band syndrome, always increase your mileage slowly and have a weekly massage when you are preparing for a big race – it will help to repair any damage caused by your training schedule.

Runners are often amazed when they have not tried massage before that after just one treatment they are more mobile and with my good advice and therapy it IS possible to  get to the finish line!


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